17: Get to Know Me Kaitlyn Kuehn (KK): Host of Flora Funga Podcast


Hello scientists,
Today we have a different type of interview where Howard Sprouse from episode 10 interviewed me so ya'll can learn more about me and how I got into flora and funga and why I started this podcast. Make sure to watch and follow along with the YouTube channel to see the photos and presentation.
Some topics we cover are:

how my childhood shaped me into the person you are today

What got you into flora and funga

Past research and future ones

What did you do in New Zealand?

What got you to do a podcast?

What was your first plant that sparked your interest?

What advice would you give your younger self and others?

What is the goal with the podcast?

Favorite flora fact

Check out Howard's mycoremediation site here
Episode 8: Photosynthesis with Dr. Christopher Ruhland
Follow my other social media sites to interact and engage with me:

Email: floraandfungapodcast@gmail.com
Help support my book and tea buying habit by "Buying me a Book"
a twist on buy me a coffee

When I reach my goal of $100 I will do a special book giveaway!

Theme song :
    -Soundotcom called Go Rock
    -Take the Lead by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4458-take-the-lead
License: http://creativecommons.org/


Just trying to bridge the gap between plants, fungi, and humans.


18: Connection Between Chinese Medicine and Functional Health with Dr. Ayla Wolf


16: Reconnecting with your Roots with Laura Adrian